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<% ' Build connection string to the database strConnect = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("..\data\Data.mdb") ' Create an instance of AspGrid Set Grid = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Grid") ' Create ADO Connection Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Open strConnect ' Pass external connection object to grid Grid.Connection = Conn ' Specify SQL statement to select fields to display Grid.SQL = "select ID, Details, Category from tbl_Category" ' If Request("Dimensions") <> "" Then Grid.SQL = Grid.SQL & " where Dimensions=" & "'" & Request("Dimensions") & "' AND Material=" & "'" & Request("Material") & "' ORDER BY Bond, Specs" ' Specify maximum number of rows to display Grid.MaxRows = 0 ' Hide column specified Grid.Cols("ID").Hidden = True Grid.Cols("Details").Hidden = True ' Disables edit on column specified Grid("ID").ReadOnly = True Grid("Details").ReadOnly = True ' Set attributes Grid.Table.CellSpacing = 0 Grid.Table.CellPadding = 2 ' Specify location of button images Grid.ImagePath = "../images/grid/" ' Enable sorting ' Grid.ColRange(4, 5).CanSort = True ' Prevents the Delete Button from appearing Grid.CanDelete = False ' Enable edits and additions to table data Grid.CanEdit = False Grid.CanAppend = False ' Set column captions for proper field names Grid("Category").Caption = "Category" ' Format field input sizes ' Grid("AccountNumber").InputSize = 10 Grid.Table.Width = "400" ' Format Amount field for Dollar sign ' Grid("Price").FormatNumeric 2, True, True, True, "$" ' Format Date fields to common format ' Grid.Cols("Date").FormatDate "%b %d, %Y" ' Make the id parameter persistent Grid.ExtraFormItems = "" ' Setup Drop Down menu for fields ' The numbers on the end are the column to be displayed and the column to be stored ' Grid("System").AttachForeignTable "select id, System from EcommerceSystems", 2, 2 ' Create details link for view selected record function Grid.Cols("Category").AttachExpression "{{Category}}" ' ------------- Begin Table Formatting Code ------------ ' Format Header Grid.ColRange(1, 10).Header.BGColor = "#000000" Grid.ColRange(1, 10).Header.Font.Face = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" Grid.ColRange(1, 10).Header.Font.Size = "2" Grid.ColRange(1, 10).Header.Font.Color = "FFFFFF" Grid.Cols(0).Header.BGColor = "#000000" Grid.Cols(999).Header.BGColor = "#000000" ' Format Body font Grid.ColRange(1, 10).Cell.Font.Face = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" Grid.ColRange(1, 10).Cell.Font.Size = "2" ' Format Control Areas Grid.Cols(0).Cell.BGColor = "#FFFFFF" Grid.Cols(0).Cell.AltBGColor = "#CFCFCF" Grid.Cols(999).Cell.BGColor = "#FFFFFF" Grid.Cols(999).Cell.AltBGColor = "#FFFFFF" ' Format Footer Grid.Cols(0).Footer.Align = "CENTER" Grid.Cols(1).Footer.Align = "LEFT" Grid.Cols(999).Footer.Align = "CENTER" Grid.Cols(0).Footer.BGColor = "#FFFFFF" Grid.Cols(999).Footer.BGColor = "#FFFFFF" ' Sets alternating row colors Grid.ColRange(1, 10).Cell.BGColor = "#FFFFFF" Grid.ColRange(1, 10).Cell.AltBGColor = "#E6E6E6" ' ------------- End Table Formatting Code ------------ ' Display grid Grid.Display ' Disconnect Grid.Disconnect ' Destroy Grid object Set Grid = Nothing Set Conn = Nothing %>

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(800) 832-4521


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